Thursday, February 7, 2013

Demand and supply

It's funny, but the average produce broker or wholesaler knows at the start of every day what the village idiots in DC never seem to acknowledge:  without demand for your product, or produce in this case, there is no commercial transaction and no economic stimulus.  We have known for several years that demand for fresh fruits and veg is down.  Not because of economic uncertainty or worry about the federal deficit.  It's because a lot of people have no jobs, and hence no money.  Plenty of others are underemployed or worse; working 2 or 3 jobs with no benefits in order to make ends meet.   These people have no money and no time to cook healthy meals, so while I don't have evidence in front of me, I have no doubt junk food sales are up.  People have to eat, but eating fresh fruits and vegetables takes time and effort and a growing slice of the American public has neither of those commodities.  Put people back to work at decent jobs that pay well enough to provide the money and the time and consumption of healthy foods will increase.  This is not rocket science.

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