Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Veg Man Cometh

Now the rain and heat are out of the way for the moment, the crops are beginning to really hit their stride.  The summer squash is growing so fast you can almost see it happen.  The lettuce and broccoli transplants begin growing within days of planting and the first sweet corn is tasseling.  Now if only the weeds would take a holiday...  We are now getting to the time of the season where you definitely have to "sell it or smell it".  The proud seller at 8 a.m. is a desperado at 2 p.m. as the coolers fill up and buyers bypass him for those whose whiff of fear they detected hours before.  It is a little like poker, only instead of raising the ante, most people lower it, and the winner is the buyer paying the least amount in the pot.  More items are arriving on sales lists every day and the variety begins to lure more customers who are tired of the southern veg deals and unwilling to pay the high freights out of California.

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