Monday, June 25, 2012


Or at least close to it this weekend.  The weather cooperated for the festivities surrounding my daughter's wedding and then Mother Nature stepped in and cooled things off with a nice shower on Sunday evening.  Of course if we are being a little picky, the aforementioned Mother could have added a couple of tenths more to the rainfall total, but who's counting.  After the scorching heat on Wed. and Thurs., the damage was already done to many crops and the rainfall on Sunday was an exclamation point.  Fortunately, the lettuce situation will change quickly this time of year as long daylight hours put the crops into overdrive and weather catastrophes can be ameliorated quickly.  The same problem in August could drag on for weeks.  The weather for the short term is for cooler and wetter conditions.  Here's hoping it lasts just long enough to repair the damage without encouraging other problems.

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