Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our evolving microfauna

Saw an op-ed piece in the NYT this morning saying we need to eat more food from farmers' markets.  Sounded like a good premise to me.  The real point the author was trying to make is our food supply is increasingly becoming scrubbed clean of good and bad microorganisms and on balance it is making us a sicker nation.  We evolved with many good and bad bacteria in equilibrium in our bodies, and in this era of hand sanitizers on everyone's desk and wet wipes on every counter, we are depriving ourselves of the natural defenses these microbes provide.  In the produce industry, the mantra of food safety is so loud, we forget that people have been eating food right out of the field for thousands of years and I doubt they were dying from the experience in appreciable numbers.  At least not the way the media would have us believe.  Up until very recently, one spinach packer in Quebec bragged that his spinach pack included black dirt which he opined was good for your digestion.  Folk wisdom, that may actually be supported by scientific evidence.  So, go forth and patronize your local markets, for their health and yours.

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