Monday, June 11, 2012

Farmer's footsteps

This time of year is when every stop to check a crop in the garden reveals another problem to solve.
Broccoli; flea beetles, carrots; thinning and weeding; potatoes; hilling and beetle removal and the list goes on.  By the time you get a handle on one problem, three others have popped up.  I think I know why so many commercial growers specialize in a handful of crops.  It definitely cuts down on the number of problems that must be dealt with on a daily basis.  Of course, weeds are the biggest problem confronting any gardener or small farmer.  My grandfather used to say it took 7 years to get a field to where there were very few weeds, but only one careless year to throw the previous 7 out the window.  I think I'm on a perpetual 7 year plan which seems to breakdown by midsummer.  The harder you work on one crop, the more the weeds get away on another.  Sorry, I just need to vent.

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