Friday, June 1, 2012

It's the weather, stupid

A little chilly this morning, but beautiful weather for the first of June.  Too bad it will probably be the last nice day until next Wed. or Thurs.  It always seems we must have a rainy week as we get into the late spring planting season.  So now the planting schedule is messed up, the weeds are overtaking early plantings and the garden teeters on the edge of manageability.  Not to mention the plantings of flowers in the yard and shrub trimming that needs to get done.  Meanwhile, the veg markets are finally reacting to smaller plantings in California.  After taking a royal shellacking all winter, some of the growers actually cut back acreage.  Combined with cooler wet weather in Salinas, the outlook for almost all crops is bullish.  The roller coaster weather here in the east is affecting the local deals, so it will probably be up and down all season as local product gluts depress markets and the following scarcity propels the prices up again.  It will be an interesting summer.

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