Monday, June 18, 2012

Hot and dry and busy

It was a 10 lb. weekend.  As in I lost about 10 while trying to catch up on several tasks at once.  Farmer's mkt. on Sat.  Mowing and cleanup, planting, weeding and watering.  Rinse and repeat on Sun.  Not your Father's Father's Day, but it was satisfying in a perverse way.  Everything seems to be growing double fast with the heat, but without the problems usually asssociated with dry weather, since the subsoil moisture is good.  The potato beetles have made their annual appearance, but a dose of spinosad based organic insecticide took care of the first generation of larvae.  If only there was a sovereign remedey for the weeds.  Meanwhile, the wholesale markets are already approaching their midsummer doldrums and summer is still two days away.  High temps. have consumers in beer and chips mode and lettuce is plentiful which soon means it will be cheap.  Carrots look to become the next hot item, as there is a gap between Mexican production and new crop Canadians.  Broccoli is also in short supply, however eastern production will catch up to that demand shortly.  Potatoes will start in the North Country this week, even as some growers are finally finishing planting this year's crop.  The hot weather will probably get early peppers into production soon.  We'll also be enjoying the first zucchini of the season at Casa Monzeglio later this week.

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