Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Another Dull Day

Showers continue today, along with cooler than normal temps.  It is a welcome respite from last week's roaster, but after 3 days, the garden is going to demand a full scale weeding or things will get out of hand in a hurry.  One downside of all the moisture is the germination of millions of weed seeds left from prior failures at weed control.  One bad season, sometimes even one giant pigweed  or lamb's quarter can provide enough seeds to carpet the garden with vigorous competitors to my carefully nurtured seedlings and transplants.  My grandfather always said it takes seven years of dedicated weed destruction to get the farm relatively clean, but only one year of neglect to undo all that work.    Meanwhile, the cooler temps are helping get the commercial lettuce deal back on track quickly.   Other crops soon to make an appearance include cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli and summer squash.   The hot weather has taken a toll on areas to the south and the heavy rains in Florida have pretty much ended their season, so it looks like the stage is set for a fairly active marketing season in the North Country.

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