Friday, May 18, 2012

Summer Tease

It was a brisk 38 degrees this morning  on the NCR, but summer is promising a preview this weekend.  Temps should break the magic 80 degree mark on Sat. and Sun. so the planting season should shift into high gear.  My tomato seedlings are lagging, so I hope this heat will get them into growing mode by the first week of June.  Looks like the soil temperature will be hospitable for beans and some other heat loving plants this weekend.  I'll have to get the first plantings of basil, cilantro and dill in also.  48 hours is not enough time, and I need to travel  to L.I. to see my mom in hospital, as well as attend the graduation of the family's newest nurse, so most of my gardening will be the wishful kind. That and hoping I can catch up on everything during the coming week.  As the pundits say, if this was easy, everyone would be doing it.

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