Monday, May 7, 2012

It's the weather, stupid

Finally had a couple of nice days as the week ended.  Still a little frosty in the mornings, but warming nicely as the day progressed.  Today should be nice also, then the deluge.  Looks like up to an inch of rain tomorrow which will thoroughly drench soils that are already somewhat waterlogged.  That will put an end to fieldwork for the balance of the week and end the harvest for winter spinach for most southern areas.  I see some growers in the NCR are planting corn, but the soil temps are still fairly low, and with the rain, I hope the seed sprouts before it rots.  In the garden, the weeds seem to like the cool temps and are taking advantage to outgrow their more sedate competitors.  Since most of the week was spent on yardwork, the cool weather was welcome, but now it is time to get growing.

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