Friday, May 25, 2012

Making myself crazy

The last week of May and already I am obsessing about weeds, planting schedules, missed opportunities and coming problems.  Gardening is supposed to be a stress reliever, but somehow it brings out the very worst of my nascent O/C tendencies.  I guess there is no way to avoid the crunch time of early June when everything needs to get planted at once, while dealing with the ongoing weed and pest problems.  Then, there is the occasional family doings.  Wedding at the end of the month, Mother ill, children with meltdown moments, and so on.  Must deal with all this and still scratch the golf itch occasionally.  As Warren Zevon said, "I'll rest when I'm dead.".  Made the second planting of corn last night and weeded and fertilized the first.  At the rate it is growing, we'll be eating fresh corn by the middle of July.  Now that is some payback for the crazy time coming up this weekend.

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