Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good News and Bad

The good news is mom is doing much better after suffering a stroke last Wed.  Transferred to a rehab facility from the hospital over the weekend to work on fully regaining the connections between thought and speech, she has a really good attitude.  As my youngest daughter texted yesterday, "Go Grams".
 The bad news is the outside world is as stupid as ever.  Listening to NPR this morning was an excerise in frustration as the head of the American Enterprise Institute tied himself into knots while trying to simaltaneously disavow any role for government in society and grudgingly admit that in the case of global warming (which he hastened to cast doubt on) there might be a role for government.  Meanwhile, the myriad of Americans who would probably slip into poverty without government programs to counterbalance the effects of the depression we are now experiencing need in  his words to be "saved" from government's crushing embrace.  It boggles the mind.  On a more mundane note, last night's shower keeps crop seeds and weeds germinating and the coming week will be an excercise in planning and wishful thinking in the garden.

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