Thursday, May 24, 2012

Erasing the past

One of the biblical tomes I depend on for gardening advice, "The Four Season Harvest", by Eliot Coleman breezily says if a bed or field, or the entire garden gets away from you, just erase and start over.  I have a hard time with that particular bit of wisdom.  As with any investment, gardening and farming demand a certain level of committment.  You have to choose and order seeds and fertilizer, prepare the land and put the seed into the ground.  By that time, I at least have put my pride on the line.  When the seed germinates haphazardly and weeds begin to get the upper hand, it is a personal insult and a challenge to my manhood.  Not to mention the nurturing side of my nature.  The idea that I need to negate all that work and committment and start over again is, I can only imagine, like the decision to divorce you mate of many years.  Over the years, I have invested many a weekend in an ultimately futile battle with the forces of entropy.  Of course it looks like another day of decision is coming with several beds of direct seeded onions.  I have a feeling that maggots or other pests caused the very spotty germination, and the weeds are rapidly choking the few survivors.  As the angler's saying goes, it is time to fish or cut bait.  But it is hard.  Besides, this weekend will be a scene of frenzied planting at casa Monzeglio.  Corn, melons, carrots, winter squash,etc. need to go in, so the eraser will probably be left in the barn for another day.  I did get the first plantings of basil and dill in last night as well as another planting of beets.

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