Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Seedling dreams

I uncovered the last bed of carrots seeded using the new Jang seeder, and it looks good!  After numerous experiments with different gearing shoe depth, I think I have found the right combination, at least for carrots.  They are a little thicker than they should be, but thinning will be easy and the seed saved will plant another bed the same size.  Perhaps this minor mechanization of the garden will free up more time for other pursuits.  I feel the first tee calling.  Business is also about to intrude on the idyllic fantasy of weed free and perfectly spaced plants.  Romaine and leaf lettuce is starting, and pretty soon the summer will begin.  It is like standing on the 3 meter platform at a diving competition.  You know you will have to take the plunge, but there are so many things that can happen before you hit the water.  Safter to procrastinate, but the guy behind is going to shove you in if you don't dive, so better to display a little form. 

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