Monday, May 14, 2012


We are now entering the sweaty unforgiving deadline season in the garden.  All the things you should have done weeks or months ago are constantly forcing you to fall further behind on garden chores that should be done now.  It is time to plant corn, but it is also time to finish potato planting and get the first plantings of beets and carrots weeded.  The grass continues to grow, and all the tree and shrub trimming await.  What looked like worlds of time 3 weeks ago now looms like Tax Day, but is even more unforgiving, since you can't get an extension from Mother Nature.  In gardening you pay your penalties immediately and hope you meet the next deadline.  On a more optimistic note, the cherry trees are in full bloom and apparently are being pollinated by a motley assemblage of bees and butterflies.  The weather is warming niceley.  The asparagus roots I planted 3 weeks ago are growing strongly, and I did get the first planting of corn in and covered so the local crows won't be snacking on the seed before it germinates.  Transplanted summer squash and cucumber seedlings on  Sunday.  It is still a little early for them, but the warmer weather we are promised this week should get them growing.  Unfortunately, the same warmer weather has gotten the flea beetles to start their usual mischief among the broccoli and cabbage family transplants.  Time to fire up the sprayer.

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