Thursday, December 2, 2021

Women's right to choose

       As the proud father of three wonderful daughters and grandfather to four beautiful grandchildren, I approach the subject of abortion in a cautious way.   But, regardless of my feelings on the subject, the ability of women to make informed decisions regarding their reproductive health should be inviolate.   It should certainly not be abrogated by a bunch of old men in black robes.   Yet, here we are.

      A large majority of the American population feels as I do about reproductive rights, but a small and vocal minority has been working behind the scenes to gut the Roe vs. Wade decision for nearly 50 years.  It's not about the sanctity of life to these fanatics.   It is simply a way to punish women who may engage in sex for pleasure instead of procreation.  As has been said by many, if men could become pregnant, abortion would be universally available and free of stigma.

      I know it is unlikely, but those of us who support the rights of women need to make this issue the make or break in the mid-term elections.  Those who would deny reproductive rights must pay a price for their antediluvian views.

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