Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Birds of a feather

       According to a recent poll of college students, up to 70% of Democratic respondents said they would unfriend people who voted for Republican candidates.   Meanwhile, the same poll said Republicans in college were much less likely to perceive their Democratic fellow students with rancor.

     Personally, as long as Republicans avoid rubbing my face in their beliefs, specifically their slavish devotion to tRump, I am more than willing to debate the issues facing our country.   At least that is how i want to view myself.   Unfortunately, I probably don't live up to my ideals.  I have been unfriended by at least one person whose opinion i value because of strident views I expressed on facebook.  

    The Divine Mrs. M and I have crossed many destinations in our own country off of our bucket list of places to visit due to the political views expressed by politicians in those areas.  I prefer to think of this a s an ideological boycott of certain states.   Perhaps this is backward thinking, but unless and until voters in states such as Alabama elect less polarizing politicians as their leaders, they will have to do without our tourist dollars.

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