Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Two Americas

        As the Omicron variant of Covid 19 rapidly overtakes the country, it seems like there are two countries reacting to the news.   Blue America with a few exceptions has embraced the vaccination and testing regimen recommended by federal, state and local officials.   Most of us have realized we are in this for the long haul and ranting about mandates, coercion, etc. will not make the situation any better.

      Meanwhile, in Red America, again with a few exceptions, it's not about Covid at all.   Instead it is about government overreach and tyranny.   The unvaccinated who are dying of the disease are footsoldiers in a glorious response to the dastardly Democrats.   They eagerly consume the disinformation from their favorite "news" source and help spread the lies on social media.

     That's my take on the current situation.  Your mileage may vary.

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