Thursday, December 9, 2021

Everyday Americans

      One of the talking heads on the TV this morning  in response to a question regarding messaging leaned in to the mythical "Everyday American".   Hakeem Jeffries seems to think if this everyman learns about all the things Democrats are doing for her and her family she will reward the party with a stronger majority in the next Congress.   Of course, this is a combination of whistling past the graveyard and outright delusion.

      Unfortunately, the "Everyday" American watches Fox News or even further right media outlets.   The message he receives from these places is all the benefits Democrats tout in their legislation is going to "those people".    Up to 70 million people listen to Fox News for at least an hour a week.   This is a powerful  megaphone and unless Democrats find a way to let the "everyday" citizen his life will be improved under the Democrats, the other party won't even need to cheat to win next year's midterm elections.

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