Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Passing the torch

      In my nearly 38 year career in the produce business, I have seen it all, so I doubt my last day as a produce broker will provide many surprises.   I am firmly resisting the opportunity to write some sentimental drivel about all the lives I have touched and have been touched in return.  To paraphrase Bob Seger, "They used me and I used them and neither one cared.  We were getting our share".  

     To be sure, I made some friends.     Chief among them was the eponymous inspiration for this blog.   Jerry Shulman took a chance on me and gave me the opportunity to make a decent living over the years.  His grit and determination were always an inspiration to me.   Likewise, I would like to thank my partner, Diane Shulman Rabin, for all her hard work and skill in navigating the changing nature of the produce business.   

     Special thanks go to my brother Neil.   Hiring him was probably the single smartest thing i have ever done.   He has always been there to remind me what is important in life and what is not, especially when the veins stood out in my forehead!

      Finally, I owe the biggest debt of gratitude to my favorite person in the whole world; my beautiful wife.   Through thick and thin, she has been my biggest fan and a constant source of inspiration.    The more I get to know her, the more I love her.  I can't wait to see what adventures we will experience together.

      Many people have asked me what I will do without the hustle and bustle of the phone ringing and endless nature of the business.  I have for the most part answered with platitudes.  Travelling with the  Divine Mrs. M, spending more time with the grandchildren and just plain relaxing after many grueling years.  In my experience, there are two types of retirees in the produce business;  those who can't let go and those who can.  I hope to count myself among the latter.

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