Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Justice denied?

          As more and more information and facts come out regarding the Trump administration's actions to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, the logical question to ask is where are the prosecutions?   From Atlanta, Ga. where the local D.A. is investigating tRump for the phone call he made to try and coerce the Secretary of State into manipulating the state's electoral system to declare victory to the NYS A.G. investigation of financial hanky panky by the disgraced former president, it looks like the Department of Justice is awol in the matter of investigating the peccadillos of the former guy's accomplices as well as the boss himself.

        The question becomes; are we a nation of laws or nation where flagrant violation of the law is overlooked if you are a powerful politician who might possibly advocate armed conflict if he is indicted.   All I know is is if Democrats and Republicans positions were reversed and Barack Obama had tried to steal an election I have no doubt he would already be tried and sentenced by a Republican led DOJ.

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