Monday, November 16, 2020

Uncharted territory

        Like most Americans, my family had to deal with what is rapidly becoming the new normal.  Do we celebrate that most mundane of milestones, a birthday, or do we observe Covid 19 precautions and forget about it for the balance of the year.   In this particular case, the birthday in question was mine and the attraction was my eldest daughter's offer to cook a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, my favorite repast.

         We probably did everything wrong, celebrating piecemeal with everyone during the day, except for the family bartender who was obviously too exposed to the coronavirus to interact with her 69 year old father.  Meanwhile, I am continuing physical therapy for my newly operated knee replacement in an office with minimal social distancing and hands on P/T.   What is to be done?   I think we are in uncharted waters, and are very likely to be learning very dangerous lessons as the pandemic ravages our country and the national leadership is more likely to be found on a golf course than in the situation room.

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