Monday, November 9, 2020

A new day dawns

      It took a while and it was messy, but that is one of the enduring traits of a democracy.   Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been elected the the presidency and vice presidency of the USA.   Propelled by a coalition of black, brown, yellow and whites, Biden overcame Trump and Republicans as well as an alarming number of white nationalists and cultists who cobbled together over 70 million  voters in opposition.

      While most Democrats and independents heaved a sigh of relief, the election was not as close as media made it appear.   This has encouraged Trump and some other dead enders to continue to challenge the results.    After a weekend of golf and twitter, Trump is threatening to go with more rallies in  disputed states.   

      Personally, I am more than ready to put this sordid chapter of American history behind me, but I think we all need to keep Trump and what he represents  in mind as the calendar rolls around to 2024.

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