Monday, November 2, 2020


      Sorry about the lack of blogging for the last 10 days.   Having your knee replaced with plastic and titanium is not the most pleasant way to spend a day.   Feeling much better 10 days out, so on to more important subjects.

       In a normal world. Joe Biden would be measuring the Oval Office for new drapes.  Unfortunately we don't live in a "normal" world and an increasingly desperate tRump campaign is pulling out all the stops with incidents of voter intimidation are multiplying by the hour.   Many voters tomorrow will be voting literally under the guns of so called militia members in states like Michigan.   I think most of these ploys will be unsuccessful.   I'm doubting many of the so-called Proud Boys will be showing up in Detroit to intimidate voters.   They will be sticking to areas where there is an overwhelming white electorate.  

      The far more insidious and out in the open strategy for tRump is to wait until tomorrow night and as soon as he has a lead in enough states, he will declare victory and try to shut down vote counting.  This is the real threat to our democracy.   We will need republicans to stand up and rebuke the president*.

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