Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Covid vs. Climate Change

Over at the NYT, Paul Krugman says based on our failure to cope with the Corona 19 pandemic, he is increasingly pessimistic about our ability to handle the challenges posed by global climate change.  Even something as simple as mask wearing to slow the spread of the disease has been opposed by a vocal minority who argue the pandemic is a hoax, right up until they are intubated or moved to the morgue.
     One can see the same automatic response to climate change.   For the most part it cannot be felt until the hurricane or tornado rips apart lives.   Even then, the same Covid deniers will say climate change is a hoax also.   
      The nascent Biden administration is facing economic, social and political challenges already.   Throwing climate change front and center is probably a recipe for losing in the mid term elections and kicking the climate can down the road for another 10 years.  I hope this is not the way things go, but as Krugman says, it is hard to be optimistic about our will to fight climate change when we can't even admit the presence of a communicable disease in our midst.

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