Tuesday, November 24, 2020


         So, tRump's apparatchik in the GSA, Emily Murphy, grudgingly acknowledged Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election and released the funds and space that will allow the transition of power to begin.   Murphy's statement claimed she came to the conclusion that Biden won independently, but she soon found out what so many trumpanzees have discovered; that the president* will step all over his appointees whenever he can.  Within minutes of Murphy's  announcement, tRump released a statement taking credit for the decision to grant Biden the GSA's endorsement.

       The whole transition promises to be chaotic with  paper shredders in constant use and wrongdoing concealed until the previous team is out the door.   Biden's people will find a government in shambles and will have to rebuild virtually every department.   It's as if the Joker had been in charge of the government for the last four years...oh, wait!

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