Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Are we broken

        I know, virtually anyone reading this blog will agree with 95% of what I believe regarding politics.  Most of us are liberal democrats of a certain age.   We mostly believe in progressive programs including racial and economic justice.   We also believe, somewhat naively it would appear, a majority of our fellow citizens feel the same way.  That seems to have been disproven across wide swaths of the country last night.

       Bidding to become the first impeached president to be re elected, Donald tRump played to another inside straight.   He won most of the former confederacy by appealing to the many racists who still worship the stars and bars.  He also appealed to the prejudices of the vast swath of rural America which retains outsize political power in states like the Dakotas and Missouri.   It was a pure politics of grievance campaign and as we roll into the day after election day this racist, misogynistic, ignorant buffoon is within a few votes in Pennsylvania of another 4 years of misrule.

      I don't know what to say, but to me it feels like the instant between when a plate drops and hits the floor.   Can we catch it before it breaks?  I surely hope so.

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