Monday, July 20, 2020

Words are failing us

      Opening the NYT, the Washington Post or any other major newspaper is to be stunned by the reporting on the latest outrages being perpetrated by tRump's administration on a daily basis.  The continuing failure to deal with the coronavirus is of course the centerpiece of the media's reportage.  This extends to the pathetic response of republican governors to enact regulations regarding mask wearing in their states.   So afraid of crossing the dear leader, they are allowing Covid 19 to spiral out of control.
     Now, the president* is deploying a private army made up of members of ICE and Customs and Border protection to harass and intimidate protestors in Portland, Oregon.  The head of "Homeland Security" is promising more deployments of these unidentified troops to other areas of the country.  Under any previous administration republicans would be sounding a clarion call to disband these storm troops, but so far, all we hear is crickets..
    As Congress move forward with another round of coronavirus relief legislation, tRump wants to cut federal funds for testing!   I can barely type these words without rage building up inside. 
    The only relief in sight is the election and by the polling, most Americans are ready to deliver a resounding message on Nov. 3.

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