Thursday, July 9, 2020

School Daze

        On the same day the country set a new record for coronavirus cases, our Dear Leader has demanded schools, especially K-12 classes reopen with in person instruction 5 days per week.  This after calling CDC guidelines for safe reopening "too tough".   Obviously tRump is operating in some parallel universe where we have crushed the pandemic and it is manifestly safe for millions of unmasked and unvaccinated children to interact with teachers and staff and then return home.  It sounds like an experiment conducted on a massive scale with few or no controls.
       Blaming democrats for questioning his wisdom, tRump is also threatening to withhold federal funds from any state/district which fails to reopen on his terms.  Both democratic and republican parents desperately want schools to once again bring some structure to their children's lives this fall.  But not at the expense of having to deal with viral infections.   It seems most children are not at significant risk from the virus.  Not so the teachers, staff and parents.   Grandparents and the informal childcare arrangements for before and after school are also in the firing line.
    If we had a competent administration which treated the pandemic with the seriousness all other industrialized nations have, we would not have 59,000 new cases and rising each day.  Cheetolini has already surrendered to the pandemic and it looks like it will be burning through the nation for the rest of the year.  November 3 cannot come soon enough.

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