Monday, July 6, 2020

Is this the new normal?

    I dragged hoses and watered tomato plants yesterday in  a seemingly futile attempt to get at least a few of the tasty fruit come August.  The ground on either side of the plastic mulched rows was dust except for the nice crop of weeds germinating in the heat.  I finally gave up as the water coming out of the hose was reduced to a trickle as the well emptied.   I will have to wait for the well to recharge overnight.
    I have been gardening for more than 40 years both on Long Island and in the Champlain Valley of New York and I have never seen it this dry.   If this is the new normal, I'm almost glad i won't be doing this much longer.   If I was to garden on this scale again, it would be with drip irrigation and water conservation measures.   Welcome to climate change world.

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