Friday, July 31, 2020

Shiny objects

     As I'm sure he knew it would, tRump's suggestion we should postpone the coming election caused many liberal pundits' hair to spontaneously combust, thereby preventing them from writing about the continued depredations of the coronavirus and the imploding national economy.   Cooler heads pointed out the elections cannot be delayed by the president*, although there are loopholes that could be used by states controlled by republicans to screw up the elections.
     Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell adjourned the Senate until next week as many unemployed workers fall off an economic cliff when their $600/week supplemental unemployment benefits expire today.  Evictions, foreclosures and homelessness will be the fate of millions in the coming months if legislation restoring those benefits does not pass soon. 
     While many of my facebook friends are outraged by the actions of tRump and his GOP henchmen, I know many others who find these policies congenial.   A 10 hour day of Faux News, Breitbart and Rushbo have twisted their worldview into a zero sum, us or them scenario in which "those people" are coming to take their benefits.  It is a naked appeal to the racism which sleeps fitfully in the heart of America.
     In less than a hundred days, we will find out which faction has divined the soul of our country.  I hope it is not the haters, but I will sleep better, or not, after Nov. 3.

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