Friday, July 17, 2020

We are being led by idiots

     After seeing Mary Trump being interviewed by Rachel Maddow last night, the only conclusion I could reach is we are being led by a sociopathic idiot with a coterie of opportunists and enablers who have facilitated the decline in governance to the point of paralysis.
     If you strip the lurid personal details out of Ms. Trump's portrait of her uncle she reveals a person shaped by his father, an unrepentant racist and misogynist.  Fred Trump is the ultimate villain of the piece, but instead of resisting his father's indoctrination, Don lapped it up like mother's milk.  In return, Fred used his resources to prop up his failson through all the bankruptcies and business failures.   This has led to the unfathomable incompetence and mendacity of the current president* and his failure to deal with any crisis not of his own making.
      The failure of the media in the runup to the 2016 election to properly vet the republican candidate was driven by the profit motive and a "both siderism" mindset the elite press has always used in its political coverage.   tRump said outrageous things which proved irresistible click bait to his many fans who loved his "saying it like it is" style which allowed them to flaunt the racism and misogyny which lurks below the surface of American society.   The fact an elitist billionaire could convince so many he was acting in their best interest is the tipoff to the scam.
    Unfortunately for Donnie, Joe Biden is not Hillary Clinton.   He has not been vilified by the media for 40 years and is just another old white dude who is significantly more empathic than his opponent.  Barring some unforeseen occurrence such as a turnaround by the economy or the pandemic, we will have new leadership in DC next January.  I pray they can repair the damage Mary Trump's uncle has done to our country.

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