Monday, July 27, 2020

Same old, same old

    The racism, misogyny and pure assholishness of the modern republican party and some of the mainstream media were on full display this past weekend.
     Erstwhile Senator Tom Cotton, who some mention as a possible presidential candidate in 2024, claimed in an interview the "Founding Fathers" considered slavery a necessary evil upon which America was built.  The context of the interview was his threat to withhold funds from any school district which used the NYT 1619 Project as part of their curriculum in future years. 
    A new study now finds that during the 2016  elections, despite numerous fact checks to the contrary, a large percentage of the American public believed, contrary evidence non withstanding, Hillary Clinton was a bigger liar than Donald Trump.   That such BS is still current in the country was manifest in the NYT coverage of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' speech taking down Ted Yoho for referring to her as a "fucking bitch".   The Times did not use the epithet when attributing it to Yoho, but printed it in full and referring to it as a branding exercise when describing AOC's historic anti-misogyny speech.
     Finally, despite the fact it has had several months to come up with additional Covid 19 relief legislation, the republican controlled Senate has waited until the unemployment relief which has blunted the pain caused by the pandemic expired and now is trying to play chicken with Nancy Pelosi's House majority to continue to support unemployed Americans.   Assholes.   To my republican friends I can only say this is your party.  Cherish it.

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