Tuesday, November 20, 2018

worked up about democracy

Last weekend I was made uncomfortable when Stacy Abrams, the democratic candidate for Georgia governor, gave a non concession speech in which she admitted her opponent, Brian Kemp will likely be declared the winner.  However, she went on to accuse him and other officials of suppressing the votes of large numbers of her fellow Georgians, primarily people of color.  The inference being the entire procedure was illegal and the election of Kemp was illegitimate.  Having lived through Bush vs. Gore, I expected Abrams to graciously concede the election in the interest of harmony.  On closer examination, I reluctantly agreed with Abrams.  Kemp and the republicans basically stole the election via voter suppression and they need to be called out and their methods exposed and condemned.  What we should have learned from Al Gore's well mannered concession is the GOP cares not a whit for democracy when the question of power and control is in the balance.  They will lie, cheat and steal to maintain their grip on power and use whatever means are available to do so.  I support Abrams' lawsuit which will expose the corruption in the Secretary of State's office.  Sunlight and public knowledge is the only antidote to this disease which is killing our democracy.

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