Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Smells like democrat spirit

As predicted by this blog yesterday, the dems have reason for optimism this morning, but also to think long and hard about the implications of their election day split decision.  The politics of fear clashed with those of hope and they fought to a draw.  The democrats now control the House with its powers of investigation and the purse.  The GOP controls the Senate with its power to confirm presidential appointees.  Overseeing this split congress is an executive branch which is about to learn what happens when the opposition has subpoena power.  The daily tweetstorms from the White House will be approaching Category 5 as advisors confront the *president with the bad news.  Meanwhile, progressives will have to deal with defeats of champions in Florida, Georgia and Texas.  The big takeaway is Andrew Gillum, Stacy Abrams and Beto O'Rourke proved that the left wing of the democratic party is alive, well and can be competitive anywhere in the country.  These three represent the new face of the party, along with the more than 90 women elected in the House.  The party is changing and is far more representative of the nation's population than the republicans who basically represent cranky old white men and women who want to go back to a never never land of white supremacy.  All in all, I am cautiously optimistic for the first time since Election Day in 2016.

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