Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Weather changes

As with most changes, the climate altering effects of mankind's unsupervised dumping of millions of  tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each are a mixed bag.   A new 12 month fire season has devastated some areas of California.  Everyday high tides inundate parts of Miami Beach.  Torrential rains have wreaked havoc on farms in the Southeast and Central US.  Here in the North Country climate change means going from a fairly nice fall season to a midwinter temperature regime in what seems like a heartbeat!   It was actually snowing this morning.  According to some experts, we may see more of the same during the next few decades.  Some areas of the planet may actually have colder winters than previous records due to changing ocean currents and the obliteration of the polar ice covering the Arctic Ocean and Greenland.  Climate skeptics, a diminishing band of shills paid for by the petroleum industry, will point to areas such as this one to bolster their "theory" that climate change is not happening.  Unfortunately for our area, it looks like we will get all the negative aspects of the coming changes and few of the positive, such as a much longer growing season.  Alas, no tomato harvest in December in the near future for dedicated gardeners like me.

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