Friday, November 9, 2018


The parameters of the democratic victory on Election day continue to grow.  With votes still being counted, many contests that had been called for republicans are now tilting the other way as absentee, provisional and overseas ballots are tallied.  In the absence of close races in many republican leaning districts the counting of these votes have not mattered until this year.  It looks like dems will gain 35-37 seats in the House and if all the contested Senate races break for the democrats the GOP will have netted one seat in a wildly favorable year for them.   Many pundits, especially conservative leaning (that is the majority) ones were quick to denigrate the gains made by dems on the national level.  They conveniently discounted the 335 and counting state legislative seat which flipped to the donkey party.  You can tell tRump is scared by the moves he is making to try and shut down the Mueller investigation.   Things can still change, but it looks like America has decided we don't want a wanna be authoritarian to have an unfettered chance to turn our country into a dictatorship.

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