Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The sulking of the presidency

It seems since the start of the blue wave last week, the *president has hunkered down and managed to snub veterans as well as world leaders while abusing aides and staff at the White |House.   It is finally sinking in that the voters have administered a thrashing to his agenda, if you mean by that the chaos he has heretofore gleefully spread around the country.  He probably knew in his heart of hearts (if he has one) that the new Democratic House will subpoena his tax records.  This alone will put the fear of Flying Spaghetti Monster into him.  For all his braggadocio about his vast wealth, I'm pretty sure we will see the returns of a large scale grafter whose claim to fame may very well be his ability to launder money for Russian oligarchs.  As well, the colonoscopic investigations of many of his cabinet appointees will probably lead to a rash of resignations, further depleting an already anorexic staffing situation.   Finally, despite his installation of a partisan hack as attorney general, the day of reckoning with Robert Mueller and his investigators is coming and there is little he can do to stop it.  The question now becomes will he continue to sulk in his lair until his crimes are fully exposed or will he lash out at his perceived tormentors with the full powers of the presidency, up to and including his ability to embroil the nation in a war of opportunity.   Let's hope the sulking continues and Fox and Friends offers less sanguinary alternatives to him.

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