Thursday, July 12, 2018

Where have you gone, Dixie Chicks.

I don't think I have actually written this before, but the acknowledgement that we the people of the United States actually elected Donald Trump to be our president* makes me ashamed of my citizenship.   As the ignoramus in chief stood up at a press conference in Brussels and shot his usual word salads at various questioners I was dumbstruck at the level of ignorant bravado emanating from this sorry excuse for a human being.  The Shrub was also a staggeringly bad chief executive and was responsible for far more suffering (so far) than Cheeto Jesus has visited upon a prostrate world.  But at least in Bush's case he seemed self aware to an extent.  tRump is certainly not.  His one success is that he has accomplished his major self appointed task.  He is the anti-Obama. 

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