Tuesday, July 17, 2018

No surprises

A few pundits acted surprised by Cheeto Jesus' performance yesterday in Helsinki.  After a private two hour meeting with his handler, The Donald jumped through whatever hoops Vladimir Putin held up.  Any questions from reporters at the press conference regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election were answered with standard Trump word salad.  Hillary's e-mails, Peter Strozk and his electoral victory were prominent, as well as agreement with Putin's denial of said involvement.  tRump usually assumes the Alpha male strut when he enters any room, but in the presence of his handler he is meekly submissive.   Rachel Maddow, who has covered the Russian ratfuc*ing of the 2016 elections more thoroughly than any other media outlet was incredulous that her worst fears seemed to be confirmed.   We have a Manchurian candidate as president who is putting another country's priorities above our own.  Does treason have another name?

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