Friday, July 20, 2018

tRump derangement syndrome

I have to admit it.  I feel like a hostage in my own country.  Virtually all the media I consume outside  of the Golf Channel is on a 24/7 mission to discredit and delegitimize Cheeto Jesus.  I realize I am in the bubble which is more than most Faux News viewers will do, but it is exhausting.  Every day brings new nuggets of reporting about every thing from Paul Manafort's trial to the latest foreign policy faux pas committed by the president*.   Many of these stories are moving at a glacial pace so much of the reporting is a recap of events leading up to the latest revelation.  After spending an hour watching one of the liberal shows, you wonder why you gave up so much time for so little gain.  As summer wanes the drumbeat of the elections will commence and there will seem to be even more urgency.  However, the outrage liberals feel is not matched by the actions or non-actions of congress.   Much as the Fox news nation felt let down by congressional inaction in the face of reported scandals in the Obama administration, I feel powerless as congressional republicans block investigations into tRump corruption.  Of course, in 2018, liberals are certainly correct.  Right?

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