Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Mid summer doldrums

We have reached that time of summer again.  Aside from an occasional salad or a slice of watermelon, many if not most consumers are skipping on vegetable consumption.  Being a lifelong gardener and produce marketer has insulated me personally from this annual veggie fast, but the effects are noticeable, both personally and professionally.  At last week's farmer's market, hordes of polite shoppers passed the vegetables on display and most averted their eyes as they hurried to check the baked goods and crafts further down the market.  In the real world, the growers and shippers are reducing prices and hoping for sales to move their crops.  Meanwhile, vacations are happening, children and parents are indulging in fast food meals and making promises eat better when school starts.  As usual, August promises to be a long month.

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