Thursday, July 19, 2018

Trump and treason

Thanks to a blockbuster story in the NYT, we now know the US intelligence agencies had incontrovertible proof of Russian interference in the 2016 elections and that it was carried out at the instigation and direction of Vladimir Putin.  tRump was given a briefing which contained the information 2 weeks before his inauguration.  Yet he has branded any investigation of said Russian ratfu*king as "fake news" and a witch hunt.   That the article revealed sources and methods used by the CIA probably means the sources of the intel were compromised at some point between tRump's briefing and now.  Some have even speculated he could have revealed the leakers to Putin in Helsinki.   This seems a little far fetched because of the timeline.  I'm betting he burned his own intelligence agencies' sources much earlier.   The lies, obstruction and downright treasonous activities should have led to impeachment soon after James Comey was fired, but as we all can infer, The Donald could probably hand over the heads of the CIA, FBI and the NSC to Putin's tender mercies and he could still count on a tongue bath from Sean Hannity.   This whole episode will go down in our nation's history as perhaps the most shameful scandal since Benedict Arnold's betrayal.  At least Arnold was a lone wolf.  tRump has been aided and abetted by the Republican party, to its eternal disgrace.

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