Monday, July 2, 2018

Nothing to see here, just move along

Today's high should be in the mid to upper 90s on the NCR and not many people are happy about it, especially those of us without central air conditioning.   Very few houses in the north country have this particular amenity because historically, temperatures as hot as today's predicted 98 degrees are so rare as to be a curiosity.  Of course most new construction features air as the summers now usually contain several periods of severely hot weather.  Meanwhile, the garden is showing the effects of the warmer weather.  Summer squash, peppers and tomatoes are thriving, while lettuce is getting ready to bolt at the slightest provocation.  succession planting is difficult under these conditions, as keeping seeded areas moist until germination occurs is a daunting task.  Hopefully the weather will break with thunderstorms on Thursday, solving both the heat and moisture problems.

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