Monday, July 23, 2018

Odds and Ends Weekend

By dint of a plumbing emergency on Saturday and golf with friends on Sunday I was out of the loop on the latest world events.  Spending the day as a paying plumber's helper gave me an appreciation for the people who keep the power on and the water flowing.  But it was an expensive lesson!  Meanwhile the drought continues to punish my gardens.  Precipitation was promised over the weekend, but not delivered.  Except on the golf course in Bromont, Quebec where it managed to rain for virtually the entire round but then cleared up in time for the trip home.  Meanwhile, our president* was threatening more fire and fury to another of his favorite countries, Iran.  This caused one pundit to advise the Iranians to "Back up the Brinks truck to the White House", since the last country which received the same treatment got virtually everything it wanted from the US without giving up anything.   To add to tRump's woes, his fixer, Michael Cohen seems ready to flip on the man he once vowed to take a bullet for.  It looks like another fun week of news ahead if we don't get annihilated before it's over.  Finally, an Italian, Francisco Molinari is the Champion Golfer of the Year after winning the Open championship at Carnoustie in Scotland yesterday.

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