Friday, November 17, 2017

What's good for the goose

So, now one of the liberal lions of the Senate, Al Franken stands accused and convicted with photographic evidence of at the very least sexual misconduct if not outright assault.  Franken promptly apologized and then donned sackcloth and ashes when his original contrition was not deemed sufficient.  This has led to the extremes of demanding his immediate resignation to advising him to "tough it out" until his term is up in 2020.  Personally I find myself ambivalent.  Franken was not a senator at the time, but a comedian who, at least in the picture in question made a pathetically poor attempt at comedy.  This may have been funny 50 years ago, but by 2006 when the incident took place it was definitely beyond the pale.  More troubling was the victims story about the forced kiss demanded by Franken in the name of rehearsing a comedy skit.  Still, if this is a one time event and Franken's apology is accepted as sufficient by the victim,  I believe the voters of Minnesota can decide Franken's fate in 2020.  If however a parade of harassed women come forward to accuse the senator, he should step down and deal with the fallout.   Holier than thou liberals need to take a deep breath before they turn what should be a teachable moment into a reign of terror.

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