Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The GOP's weiner problem

Much as Democrats had to deal with Anthony Weiner and his sexting problem, Republicans now must wrestle with their Roy Moore dilemma.  Both men have demonstrated they are manifestly unfit to represent at least half of the population.   The democrats were able to distance themselves from their pervert amid a universal chorus of approbation.   Both sides denounced Weiner and despite his one last try for public office he has basically faded from view.   Unfortunately for republicans, Roy Moore and many who support him will not go quietly into that good night.  Shoes continue to drop and even Sean Hannity may have to revise his endorsement.  There is something inherently skeevy about 30 something men preying on teenage girls that may turn enough voters to do the unthinkable and vote for a democrat, but the smart money is on Moore to win this election and become a democrat attack ad for the 2018  and 2020 elections in 49 states.  To paraphrase the late, great Edward R. Murrow,  " Alabama, have you no shame"?

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