Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Back in the Saddle

It was a wonderful couple of weeks, but now it's over.  The Divine Mrs. M and her faithful baggage handler are back from a European vacation even Chevy Chase would be proud of.  Having not taken more than two weeks in a row for vacation since the early 80's, it was with trepidation I embarked, but as I should have known, the world of vegetable distribution managed to continue in my absence.  It was gratifying that at least a few people claimed they missed me.  Meanwhile, it was bracing to realize the rest of the world, or at least the small slice of it we encountered in Paris and London seems to be getting along fine with the idea that America, with a little help from Russia elected an incompetent simpleton as President.  The English are consumed by sexual abuse scandals among politicians of all political stripes as well as trying to parse the details of Brexit.  The French are mostly obsessed about where they will be spending their next vacation and what effect their new president will have on their jobs.  It was refreshing to say the least.  I'll relate more about our trip as it is reflected through the lens of politics and policy, or as it chronicles the journey of two innocents in strange lands.  Meanwhile, it looks as if many people in Virginia and New Jersey are sending a message they are tired of the politics of division and its chief practitioner.  The  republican in the Virginia governor's race distanced himself from The Donald, but not his policies and he went down to a stunning defeat.  Let's hope it is the first of many, culminating in a democratic capture of the House in the 2018 elections.

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