Monday, November 20, 2017

Theories of Relativity

The weekend news continued to be dominated by the continuing story of Roy Moore and the parade of women whose stories of underage "dating" and sexual assault at the hands of the Senate candidate from Alabama keep coming.  As most of the women respond to inquires of why they hadn't come forward sooner with the explanation that "no one asked us", it would put the excuses that it happened 40 years ago to rest.  Moore has not disputed the fact he pursued teenagers when he was a 30 something assistant D.A in Gadsen in the 70s.  He just maintains it was totally legal and his attentions did not cross any lines.  If I was writing ads for the democratic challenger, I would simply ask the voters of Alabama if they have wives, daughters, sisters or female friends and would they tolerate a 32 year old man making advances on these women when they were 14-16.  If they were fine with that thought, then go ahead and vote for Moore, since they  are no better than him.   As one commentator reacted to an evangelical pastor defending Moore, he decried the "moral relativity" of defending what is essentially child molestation by claiming the Lord is working through people such as Moore.  What a bankrupt thought!

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