Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Reading the fine print

Many of us political junkies have been obsessed with the continuing investigations of the Trump administration's ties to Russia.  This has led to blindness regarding the continuing despoliation of the federal government and the judiciary by the supposed "incompetents" hired by the Orange Narcissus.  These people may not be competent in the sense that good administrators who know the mission of their departments are, but when it comes to destruction, they are top notch.  State, EPA, Interior and Education are being hollowed out as we speak and if Tom Price had not been forced out of Health and Human Services the same would be happening to that department.  Meanwhile, the stacking of the Federal judiciary continues at a breakneck pace.  The American Bar Association ratings are meaningless to this administration.  Instead, the litmus test is a far right ideology which can't be bothered by facts.  Recently, the Senate Judiciary committee voted along party lines to confirm a 36 year old blogger to a federal appeals court judgeship for life.  He has never tried a case and it seems his most salient qualification is marriage to a lawyer who works in the White House.  While we may be able to get rid of tRump in 2020, the nation will be dealing with the vandalism to our institutions for many years to come.  This is what you get when you elect a serial liar with no qualifications out of a desire to "shake things up".  Be careful what you vote for!

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